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Enter to learn. Go forth to serve.

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Student Services


Welcome to Student Services

Thank you for accessing the MCMS Student Services page. We want you to know that our team is here to support you and your student.


Please use the QR code or click the Counselor Check-in link if you would like a counselor to check in with you. 


Both Counselors
Mrs. Wilson Yao (Counselor), Mrs. Landis (Social Worker) and Mrs. Higgins (Counselor)

Your Student Services Team

Mrs. Higgins -  School Counselor for all of 6th grade and 7th graders  with last names beginning with A-L.

Mrs. Wilson Yao - School Counselor for 7th graders with last names beginning with M-Z and all of 8th grade. 

Mrs. Landis - School Social Worker working with all students.